Du möchtest Trainee bei Helios werden? Die Bewerbungsphase läuft!

Vom 01.02. - 31.03.2025 sind wir wieder auf der Suche nach neuen Talenten.

Deine Bewerbung nehmen wir in diesem Zeitraum über unser Jobportal entgegen. Wir freuen uns auf dich! 

Your Online Application

Apply now as a nurse at Helios. We look forward to hearing from you!

  • Einstiege
  • Karrierewege
  • Internationale Bewerbungen
  • The shortest way to your new job

    • Fill out the apply form: Apply here.
    • Write something about yourself - at least what professional training you have.
    • If you like, upload your CV or your professional certificate.
    • We will get back to you as soon as possible and invite you to a non-binding telephone conversation.
    • Afterwards we will get to know each other personally. We look forward to it!
    • By the way: Unsolicited applications are also very welcome.