Aktuelle klinische Studien (Stand 09/2020)
- Prospective data collection regarding diagnosis, Treatment and outcome of adult ALL patients and related diseases associated with a prospective collection of biomaterial
- Laufzeit: voraussichtlich 11 Jahre
- Abschluss: voraussichtlich 12/2025
- Intergroup Deutschland
- National acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) observational study NAPOLEON - Registry of the German AML Intergroup Non-interventional observational study for the Treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), a prospective Population-based non-interventional and non-randomized multicenter registry
- Laufzeit: 7 Jahre
- Abschluss: 12/2020
- OSHO AML-Registerstudie
- AML Minimal residual Disease ( MRD ) for Monitoring therapy Response in patients with acute myeloid leukemia
- Abschluss: 2020/2021
- BLAST-Studie
- A double-blind, placebo controlled, randomized, multicenter, Phase II study to assess the efficacy of BL-8040 Addition to consolidation Therapie in AML patients
- Laufzeit: 5 Jahre
- Abschluss: 11/2020
- Nationales Register für follikuläre Lymphome
- A prospective multicenter phase II study of the chemotherapy – free Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor, Ibrutinib in combination with Obinutuzumab for patients with follicular lymphoma
- Laufzeit: 2 Jahre
- Abschluss: 03/2018
- A Phase IB/II Study Evaluating the safty, Tolerability and Anti-Tumor Activity of Polatuzumab Vedotin(DCDS4501A) in Combination with Rituximab (R) or Obinituzumab (G) plus Bendamustine (B) in relapsed or Refractory Follicular or Diffuse large B-Cell- Lymphoma
- Laufzeit: 5 Jahre
- Abschluss: 06/2019
- European MCL-Study
- Autologous Transplantation After a Rituximab/Ibrutinib/Ara-C-Containing induktion in Generalized Mantle-Cell Lymphoma - a Radomized European MCL Network Trial
- Laufzeit: 10 Jahre
- Abschluss: 10/2025
- Wirksamkeit der Erstlinienbehandlung mit Bortezomib, Rituximab, Ibrutinib (B-RI) bei Patienten mit Morbus Waldenström – eine multizentrische, offene und einarmige Phase II Studie
- Laufzeit: 10 Jahre
- Dauer: 10/2028
- Efficacy of first line Dexamethasone, Rituximab and Cyclophosphamide (DRC) +/- Bortezomib for patients with Waldenström's Macroglobulinemia, two arm randomized study
- A phase III, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial comparing the efficacy and safety of Polatuzumab Vedotin in combination with Rituximab and CHP (R-CHP) versus Rituximab and CHOP (R-CHOP) in previously untreated patients with diffuse large b-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)
- Laufzeit: 6 Jahre
- Abschluss: 12/2024
- CLL2-BIG Trial of the GCLLSG
- A prospective, open-label, Multicenter Phase II Trial to evaluate the efficacy and safty of a sequential Regime of Bendamustine followed by GA 101 and Ibrutinib followed by Ibrutinib and GA 101 maintanance in CLL Patients
- OSHO Myelom-Registerstudie
- OSHO Myelom-Register mit optionaler Bestimmung der minimalen Rest-Erkrankung
- Laufzeit: 5 Jahre
- A prospective, open-Label, multicenter Phase-II Trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a sequential Regimen of bendamustine followed by GA 101 (obinutuzumab), acalabrutinib (ACP-196) and ABT-199 in patients with relapsed/refractory CLL
- A prospective, open-label, Multicenter Phase II Trial to evaluate the efficacy and safty of a sequential Regime of Bendamustine followed by GA 101 and Ibrutinib followed by Ibrutinib and GA 101 maintanance in CLL Patients
- CLL 13
- A Phase 3 Multicenter, Randomized, Prospective, Open-Label Trial of Standard Chemoimmunotherapie (FCR/BR) versus Rituximab plus Venetoclax (RVe) versus Obinutuzumab (GA101) plus Venetoclax ( GVe ) versus Obinituzumab plus Ibrutinib plus Venetoclax (GIVe) in fit patients with previously untreated chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia ( CLL ) without Del (17p) or TP53 Mutation
- Laufzeit: 6 Jahre
- Abschluss: 09/22
- CLL-Studienregister
- Registry of the German CLL Study Group: Long term follow-up of patients with CLL,B-PLL,T-PLL,SLL,T/NK-LGL,HCL and Richter's transformation ("Retroactive" registration/review)
- Laufzeit: unbegrenzt
- DAKOTA-Studie
- A Randomized Phase III study of Decitabine (DAC) with or without Hydroxyurea (HY) versus HY in patients with advanced proliferative Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML)
- Laufzeit: 5 Jahre