Schmitz D, Grosse A, Hallscheidt P, Roseneck A, Niemeyer J, Rudi J. Color Doppler ultrasound guided PTBD with and without metal stent implantation by endoscopic control: prospective success and early adverse event rates. Z Gastroenterol. 2015 Nov;53(11):1255-60. Impact factor: 1,236.
Schmitz D, Weller N, Doll M, Weingärtner S, Pelaez N, Reinmuth G, Hetjens S, Rudi J. An Improved Method of Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Drainage Combining Ultrasound-Guided Bile Duct Puncture with Metal Stent Implantation by Fluoroscopic Guidance and Endoscopic Visualization as a One-Step Procedure: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Clin Interv Radiol ISVIR 2018; 02(03): 135-143. No impact factor yet.
Schmitz D, Vogl T, Nour-Eldin NA, Radeleff B, Kröger JC, Mahnken AH, Ittrich H, Gehl HB, Plessow B, Böttcher J, Tacke J, Wispler M, Rosien U, Schorr W, Joerdens M, Glaser N, Fuchs ES, Tal A, Friesenhahn-Ochs B, Leimbach T, Höpner L, Weber M, Gölder S, Böhmig M, Hetjens S, Rudi J, Schegerer A. Patient radiation dose in percutaneous biliary interventions: recommendations for DRLs on the basis of a multicentre study. Eur Radiol. 2019 Jul;29(7):3390-3400. Impact factor: 3,962.
Schmitz D, Mutignani M, Neumann UP, Wielpütz MO, Hagenmüller F, Rudi J, Chang DH. Percutaneous embolization of biliary leaks - a systematic interdisciplinary review and proposal for a new classification. Digestive Disease Interventions 2020; 04(02): 214-222. No impact factor yet.
Schmitz D, Chang DH, Rudi J, Hetjens S, Ebert MPA. Preventive transhepatic tract embolisation after percutaneous biliary interventions - a systematic review. Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020 Oct 1; 2020:8849284. Impact factor: 2.055.
Schmitz D, Heimann F, Holzschuh M, Doll D, Weingärtner S, Tortosa C, Ersöz F, Hansmann J, Hetjens S, Rudi J. Adverse Event Severity Grading System Applied to Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Metal Stenting as A One- or Two-Stage Procedure in Patients with Unresectable Malignant Extrahepatic Bile Duct Obstruction. Japanese J Gstro Hepato. 2021; V7(1): 1-8, accepted: 02 Sep 2021.
Schmitz D, Valiente CT, Dollhopf M, Perez-Miranda M, Küllmer A, Gornals J, Vila J, Weigt J, Voigtländer T, Redondo-Cerezo E, von Hahn T, Albert J, Vom Dahl S, Beyna T, Hartmann D, Franck F, García-Alonso FJ, Schmidt A, Garcia-Sumalla A, Arrubla A, Joerdens M, Kleemann T, Tomo JRA, Grassmann F, Rudi J. Percutaneous transhepatic or endoscopic ultrasound-guided biliary drainage in malignant distal bile duct obstruction using a self-expanding metal stent: Study protocol for a prospective European multicenter trial (PUMa trial). PLoS One. 2022 Oct 27;17(10):e0275029. Impact factor: 3.24.
Schmitz D, Weller N, Doll M, Werle S, Mees C, Prinz P, John B, Schmidt D, Günther A, Weiß C, Rudi J. Is insertion of a plastic stent better and safer than epinephrine injection in post sphincterotomy bleeding? Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020; 32, 484-489. Impact factor: 2,198. Zitiert: 0
Volckmar AL, Endris V, Gaida MM, Leichsenring J, Stögbauer F, Allgäuer M, von Winterfeld M, Penzel R, Kirchner M, Brandt R, Neumann O, Sültmann H, Schirmacher P, Rudi J, Schmitz D* and Stenzinger A. Next generation sequencing of the cellular and liquid fraction of pancreatic cyst fluid supports discrimination of IPMN from pseudocysts and reveals cases with multiple mutated driver clones: First findings from the prospective ZYSTEUS biomarker study. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2019 Jan;58(1):3-11. Impact factor: 2,940. Zitiert: 11 * geteilte Letztautorschaft
Schmitz D, Kazdal D, Allgäuer M, Trunk M, Vornhusen S, Nahm AM, Doll M, Weingärtner S, Endris V, Penzel R, Kirchner M, Brandt R, Neumann O, Sültmann H, Budczies J, Kienle P, Magdeburg R, Hetjens S, Schirmacher P, Bergmann F, Rudi J, Stenzinger A, Volckmar AL. KRAS/GNAS-testing by highly sensitive deep targeted next generation sequencing improves the endoscopic ultrasound-guided workup of suspected mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2021 Jul;60(7):489-497. Impact factor: 2,940. Zitiert: 1.
Pech O, Vieth M, Schmitz D, Gossner L, May A, Seitz G, Stolte M, Ell C. Conclusions from the histological diagnosis of low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia in Barrett's oesophagus. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2007 Jun;42(6):682-8. Impact factor: 2,152. Zitiert: 51
Löhr HF, Schmitz D, Arenz M, Weyer S, Gerken G, Meyer zum Büschenfelde KH. The viral clearance in interferon-treated chronic hepatitis C is associated with increased cytotoxic T cell frequencies. J Hepatol. 1999 Sep;31(3):407-15. Impact factor: 18,946. Zitiert: 64
Schmitz D, Köhler HH, Heussel CP, Löhr HF, Galle PR. [Lymphoma-simulating presentation of focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) of the liver]. Z Gastroenterol. 2001 Mar;39(3):219-24. German. Impact factor: 1,236. Zitiert: 3
Schmitz D, Klöppel G, Esinger W, Niemeyer J, Pottmeyer A, Grosse A. [IgG4-related systemic disease with autoimmune pancreatitis and lung involvement primarily presenting as pancreatic cancer with pulmonary metastases]. Z Gastroenterol. 2013 Mar;51(3):290-5. German. Impact factor: 1,236. Zitiert: 0
Schmitz D, Eigner U, Schmidt-Wieland T, Weber P, Magdeburg R, Kienle P, Rudi J. Gallbladder cancer presenting as Mirizzi syndrome complicated by rapidly evolving 23 rRNA gene-linezolid resistance with vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus infection resulting in fatal cholangial sepsis. Case Reports in Gastroenterology. 2020 Oct 28;14(3):540-546. Impact factor: 0,40. Zitiert: 2
Schmitz D, Hansmann J, Rudi J. Hemosuccus pancreaticus due to a small arterial pseudoaneurysm detected by CE-EUS and successfully treated with angiographic coiling. Endosc Ultrasound (ahead of print, accepted on Nov 02, 2020). Impact factor: 4,489. Zitiert: 1
Schmitz D. Long-term surveillance after endoscopic therapy: Mandatory or not? Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 2020 Nov; 92 (5): 1138. Impact factor: 5,369. Zitiert: 0
Schmitz D, Thielemann L, Grassmann F. Bipolar haemostatic forceps versus standard therapy by haemoclip + / - epinephrine injection as initial endoscopic treatment in active non-variceal upper GI bleeding: study protocol for a prospective, randomized multicentre trial (BeBop-Trial). Trials. 2023 Jun 15;24(1):407. Erratum in: Trials. 2023 Nov 10;24(1):718.
Schmitz D, Ritz JP, Wöhlke M. Aganglionic Megacolon (Hirschsprung's Disease)-61 Years to Diagnosis. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2024 May 17;121(10):344.
Schmitz D, Meier E, Axt S, et al. Konservative versus chirurgische Therapie beim idiopathischen und sekundären Megakolon oder Megarektum im Erwachsenenalter - eine retrospektive multizentrische Kontrollstudie. Conservative versus surgical therapy for idiopathic and secondary megacolon or megarectum in adults – a retrospective multicentre controlled study. Z Gastroenterol. Published online September 11, 2024. doi:10.1055/a-2360-5008
Shahvaran SA, Kliment M, Prax S, Paul T, Heese O, Schmitz D. Dysphagia with recurrent severe aspiration due to cervical diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (Forestier's disease). Dysphagie mit rezidivierender schwerer Aspiration bei diffuser idiopathischer Skeletthyperostose (Morbus Forestier). Z Gastroenterol. Published online September 25, 2024. doi:10.1055/a-2367-8409